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The Event Trilogy (Book 3): The Archive and Beyond Page 8

“Yes, pretty much”

  March 29th

  I thought that we would have a great deal of difficulty sleeping with the decision to make. But really it was not that hard, it was cool, a good sleeping environment and I trust the QUalz, and I think the decision was made. Unless Krezz gives us some bad news we are going to nap the way home.

  We caught up to Kress this morning and began the inquisition.

  “Krezz, if you were that close to having a cure why didn’t you tell us?” I asked

  “The answer was found and I advised the First Hatched. He said he wanted to talk with you about it because of the options. He felt it was his task.”

  “Okay, and what about the options, I have some questions.”

  “I understand and will do my best to answer those questions for you”, I noted a little darkening in his skin tone as he answered.

  “I guess first, what is the cure?”

  “The cure is a modified DNA extract that is transformed from a serum in your blood to a solid state. The solid state is then powdered and place into inert material that is formed into a capsule that you take orally” he explained.

  “But what does the extract do?” asked Asuna.

  “Yes, that was the part that took the most work. What the extract does is to attach to the illness and render it inert. We will introduce the extract into you before statis. It makes it harmless so that even when you humans, what is the term, pass away, the illness does not re-activate the body.”

  “That sounds good, but side effects, problems, what might happen that is bad?” Asuna asked before I could.

  “Our simulations show that there are no negative issues with the cure. But unfortunately our tests have all been from simulations based on materials programed into our intelligent data system. (computer)” he replied.

  Asuna and I looked at each other and although maybe some human trials would be a good idea we really didn’t have that option.

  “Alright, I am good with that part, but KHriz said that there were two development options.”

  Krezz turned almost black, “You have referred to the First Hatched in a way that is unacceptable to me and to us all.”

  “I am sorry, I meant no offense, It is just, ……. I am sorry!”

  Krezz lightened to almost normal. “I understand, you are not of the nest. You would not know.”

  He stared at us for a moment, and then asked “So what is the question.”

  “K….the First Hatched said that there were two options for making the cure. He said that one was to do another loop rotation about Mars, the Red Stone Marker or there was an option in which we would be put to sleep.” I said.

  Again Krezz darkened; I had forgotten that they use the term sleep to refer to death. “No, No, we do not put you to sleep as we have had to with other humans, we would put you into stasis, a sort of ……term…..coma?”

  Asuna jumped in, because clearly I was not doing so well in the conversation. “Tom misstated, we know you would not put us to sleep, it is just a term we use a little differently. The question is about the second option, the stasis, what goes on there?”

  “That is rather simple, we have pods that you lay in and we attach life lines to you for feeding, breathing and other bodily functions. You are given a chemical that brings your brain activity to a low level and you are maintained.”

  “I see”, trying to make a recovery from the dunce corner, “And what happens while we are….maintained?”

  “The cure requires that we remove the modified DNA extract from you. In the state you are in now we can remove some on a weekly basis, but that amount is not so great to meet our needs. Based on the information calculated by the Intelligent Data System we would need to remove the extract for 87 of your Earth weeks.”

  “So another loop around Mars” I offered.

  “Correct, but if you and Asuna were to be placed in stasis we can enhance the production and then the removal would be greatly accelerated to the point where we would be able to extract adequate supplies in 78 of your Earth days.”

  “May we see the stasis devices?” I asked.

  “Certainly, come with me.”

  There is not really a lot to say about the chambers, they looked like every other environment housing that has been seen repeatedly in any sci-fi movie Earthmen ever made.

  It was just a big glass cylinder with a door, and a bunch of tubes that hang inside of it and of course, blinking lights. It had two indentations in which we would lay.

  I turned toward him, “Krezz, can I ask you a question?”


  “Has this device been used before?”

  “Yes, we have often used this type of device to transport Earth guests to and from the Sky Crystal.”

  “I remember, I thought it was a dream, but I remember” said Asuna.

  “Okay, Krezz, here is the $64,000 question. Would you do the extra loop, or would you climb into the box.”

  “I am not sure I understand the question. But if you are asking if I feel it is safe, I do. If given the choice between another loop around the Red Stone Marker or going home earlier, I would want to see my people again as soon as I could.”

  I think he summed it up perfectly, I want to get home, Asuna wants to get home. Granted, we have each other, and the QUalz are nice enough, but it is time.

  We returned to our room, the original, the one made for us. We sat on the bed and just looked at each other for a bit.

  “It is time to go home Tom”

  “Yes, yes it is, I wonder if we will dream.”

  We had dinner with KHriz and HYlon tonight. We did the cooking for them. We checked to see what they had for options and found that their supplies were actually kind of limited. I saw now why they opted for spaghetti and meat sauce, they had tons of it but were much more limited in other foods.

  As we looked thought the cupboard, we found a few things that looked workable and in the end created a casserole that would be a treat for all of us. There were a couple of packages of Velveeta Mac and Cheese, a can of Spam and a bottle of Bali Hai wine. It would be a cheap meal, something that the average poor starving college kid would have eaten, and eaten often.

  We mixed up the Mac and Cheese. As I was dicing up the Spam, I remembered that can of the stuff I had looked at what seemed so long ago and had wondered if I would live to the expiration date on that can. It was 2017, and well, let me think, I am in 2015, so half way home. With this new cure, we may actually make it.

  As we sat around the table it was kind of quiet, there was the elephant in the room that no one wanted to talk about. What were we going to do? Sleep, sorry, stasis, or do an extra lap.

  Finally, I spoke up; “KHriz, HYlon, I would like to propose a toast. We raise our glass to you, and your crew, all of the QUalz, this will probably be our last supper together for a while. Asuna and I have decided that the stasis is the way to go for us. I, we appreciate all that you have done for us, and our race, but it is time for us to go home. Salud.”

  They lightened in color, raised their glasses also and replied; “Salud” followed by that grimace and hiccupping. The elephant was gone.

  After the toast, conversation began, there were questions about the meal; they claimed that they loved it. And I have to say that I actually enjoyed it. It was a simple meal, and yet it was something that was missed, kind of a comfort food in a way. And anything was an improvement over the mush we had eaten most days.

  We put the upcoming events out of mind for the moment and just enjoyed the company. I told them of my college adventures with Bali Hai and how I had gotten so shitfaced and sick on the stuff that I was unable to drink it again until just now. Asuna shared a similar story about her and a bottle of plum wine with side shots of Saki.

  We broke up the party fairly late, not that time matters, or we could even tell what time it was. It’s another interesting aspect about space and the ship. There are not clocks and the battery on my watch had long since died.

nbsp; As we walked back to our room, we side-tracked and headed to the Cro-Magnon room, the coolness of it was pleasant. After we crawled under the furs, she asked; “Can we try to find my room tomorrow, the one they made for me? I would like to go back, to, I don’t know, just see it again.”

  “Of course, we have a few days left before…….are we doing the right thing?”

  “Yes, it is time.”

  We cuddled under the furs.

  March 30

  We met with Krezz and his staff this morning; we did a test ‘fitting’ of the stasis pods, and just chatted with them about what would happen. One of the questions that I had was about our awakening process. I remembered many sci-fi films in which coming out of la-la land was not much fun, puking, and weakness. Krezz told me that would not be the case. In all of the times they have used the devices they have never had an issue, it is a slow gentle awakening.

  I asked if the length of time would have any impact and he said no. One of the things that they do is to use muscle stimulators to give us a daily workout so that we don’t atrophy.

  We climbed into the pod and lying side by side found that it was actually kind of spacious and comfortable, not that it mattered, we would be sleeping.

  After the fitting we went looking for Asuna’s room, the one that resembled her home in Japan when she was taken. It took a little while to get there, but Winston guided us well.

  It was a small room, in pink with yellow trim around it. It was definitely ‘girlie’ in its look and had a number of Hello Kitty items like stuffed Kitty, Kitty socks and posters. Hanging on a chair was a Hello Kitty backpack.

  As she stared at the room, I could see tears welling up and she began to sob. I moved close and hugged her.

  “I miss Gram, I miss her so much” she whispered between sobs as she hugged the little stuffed Kitty. I didn’t know what to say. I just held her.

  After a time she told me about how her family had been killed and that her Gram had taken her in. She was a tough old woman, and often stern with neighbors, but good to Asuna. In seeing the room there was a release, a chance for Asuna to go back.

  “Tom, would it be okay if I slept here tonight? I want to go back, in my mind, in my life for a while.”

  “Of course, as long as you like, we will be sleeping together for like 6 months, so I guess I can give you up for a night.”

  She smiled, “Thank you.”

  I wiped a few remaining droplets from around her eyes, those beautiful brown eyes.

  Anyway, this is a journal, not a romance novel. I decided that I would sleep in the room closest to hers. As I walked into it, I was surprised, pleasantly. Of all the places that I have visited my two favorites were Bryce Canyon in Utah and Iceland. I was fortunate in finding I had chosen a little room that resembled an Icelandic farmhouse. I could see the glaciers blackened by volcanic ash through the little window. And it was cool in the room, with an Icelandic wool blanket.

  I lay back on the little bed and started to drift off toward sleep, and then I noticed the glow, through the window. It was the Aurora, a strong one, the greens and reds swirling though the sky. I knew it was not the real deal, but still.

  I had fallen asleep when I heard a tap on the door to the cottage. At first I was not certain that it was the door but on the second round of knocking I got up and answered it. I expected Asuna, but to my surprise it was RRqil.

  “Ah, Hi, ah, can I help you?” I was groggy and a little surprised by the visit.

  “Tom, I was out for a walk and noted the room was occupied, I just want to check to see that you were alright.”

  “Oh, no, thank you, I am fine, all set” and started to close the door.

  “No wait, I want to talk with you. I have curiosity that I have never been able to sooth, and you could help me.” She said. I was always amazed at the skill with which she and Krezz had developed of our language.

  “I, oh, okay, come in, I will try to help”, still very confused by the visit.

  I sat at the little table with the chair by the pretend fireplace. It cracked and glowed, but shared no heat. I looked at RRqil. Finally she began.

  “I have watched you and Asuna, and how you have bonded” she began.

  “Yes, you could say bonded, or fell in love. We have done that.”

  “We, the QUalz know only bonding, we bond for eggs, but it is the ‘fell in love’ part that eludes me. I have tried to understand it through your video signals and your books, but it eludes me.”

  I thought for a moment and then it hit me, I think she was in love, I am not sure with whom, but she just didn’t quite know what it was all about.

  “RRqil, let me ask you something, actually a few things. Are you bonded?”

  “No, I have yet to attain my 34th cycle, so until then I am not allowed to make eggs.”

  “Okay, and when you hit the 34th cycle and you can make eggs is there someone in particular you would like to bond, or make eggs with?” I was kind of struggling here as I imagined the little lizards doing who knows what.

  Her color changed; first she darkened. “Yes, there is one, I was promised to him at my 25th cycle as is the custom.”

  “I see, but I think that there is more than just the egg bonding here. I think that you have found attraction to someone other than the promised male.”

  She darkened and then she whispered; “It makes no sense, but I have, and yet I do not wish to shame him with my status. Custom does not allow for one of my place to bond with one of his.”

  “Why not?”

  “It is not allowed; the order of the Hive must be maintained.” She said, her color was darker still.

  “So what you are saying is that this is a Romeo and Juliet story.” I said, trying to lighten the moment.

  “I do not know this story.”

  So I explained it to her, Montague, Capulet, young forbidden lovers, dead, so on.

  “I would not kill myself for him!”

  “No, that is not the point of the story; let me back up a little. First, who are you supposed to bond with?”

  “Brimk, he is the one I am pledged to.”

  “And you are not all crazy about him.” I said slowly.

  “He is kind, and gentle, and …”

  “Boring? He doesn’t light your fire.” I suggested.

  “We do not light fires; it is dangerous on the ship.”

  “No, I mean he doesn’t, crap, ah, make you tingle, no better, make your skin light up.”

  “Yes, skin light up, that is a good way to say it, no he does not.” She said, and her skin lightened.

  “Okay, so let me ask you this; is there someone who does that? I think there is.”

  “Yes” she said.


  She whispered softly, so softly that I couldn’t hear her.

  “A little louder please, my hearing is not so good anymore.”


  “Ah” I reserved comments about being in love with the boss, teacher, father figure. “And you can’t bond with him because why?”

  “I am not promised to him, and he is above me in status.”

  I was kind of at a loss here. What do you say, I sat for a couple of minutes. Then suddenly she turned dark. “I am sorry I have come to you with this. I must leave.”

  “No Missy, you stand right there.” I hadn’t even thought about it, that the QUalz normally do not sit or lay down, I had only seen KHriz and HYlon sit. “Let’s think this through, first off, what is it about Krezz that lightens you?”

  “He is intelligent, and wise. He is, he treats me as an equal, and shares knowledge and insights with me. He is a good QUalz. And he is funny.”

  I thought to myself, a QUalz that is funny, now that is funny, but then KHriz, HYlon and even RRqil seem to have a sense of humor. I have only seen Krezz in research mode, so I guess he could be funny.

  In the back of my mind I thought about Margo and what she might be going through, she is also at an age where dating and co
nnecting would be going on. I felt a twinge of guilt because I wasn’t there to help her.

  “RRqil, have you ever told Krezz about this, about your feelings?”

  “No, oh no, that would be unacceptable. It would be outside custom,” She replied.

  I thought to myself maybe it is time for a little match making, or at least a little recon work.

  “Just out of curiosity, this custom, is there a way around it, without shame or problem?”

  “No, it is the rule.”

  “Okay, well, let’s back up again here a little again. Do you think Krezz would want to bond with you?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, I have been too ashamed to ask or to talk on the subject.”

  “Okay, well let me pose this question, what does the little voice in your head say?” I asked.

  “Little voice, I have no little voice,” she said slowly.

  “We all have a little voice, a gut feeling, a ‘I think that’ thought which comes into our heads. What does your little voice say about Krezz, does he like you?”

  She stood for a moment, darkened, then lightened, and got lighter still; “Yes, yes, I think he might”

  She sounded like a little school girl thinking about her crush.

  “Well, that to me is the next step, you need to figure out if he is the one for you and if you are the one for him.”

  “I must ask him?” she darkened.

  “Yeah, and the exact approach of how to do that is beyond my skills, Asuna is who you need to talk to about that. She has the woman’s ways of such things. The guy’s way is too direct.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, Asuna would use subtlety to approach the question, I would just say; Hey Krezz, want to hook up?”

  “I see, yes, that does make sense. Men from Red Marker Station, Women from Grey Haze Planet.”

  Ah, she read Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.

  “And once we see if there is even interest, well then we can go on from there. But we have to hurry if you want our help; we go to sle…stasis very soon.”

  She was lighter, actually lighter than when she arrived.

  “Tom, thank you, I have much to do.” Then she walked over, brushed her face against mine, made a funny noise and left. I think it was a kind of kiss.